WE HAVE THE CURE. Over 90% of patients can be cured of Hep C within 8-24 weeks. There is no referral required to visit a specialist at Conquer Clinic.
  • VHC
  • Dépistage
  • Traitement
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits

heure de l'Est (TUC-4)

  • Lundi 8:30am-1:00pm
  • Mardi 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Mercredi 8:30am-1:00pm
  • Jeudi 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Vendredi 7:30am-2:00pm
  • Samedi 9:00am-12:00pm
  • Dimanche 9:00am-12:00pm
  • Anglais
  • 5 Ridout St E, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 2C6
  •  519-409-6282
  •  canatc.ca

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