• VIH/sida
  • Dépistage
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Auto-test VIH
Renseignements sur l’accessibilité

This facility is wheelchair accessible and has an elevator on site.

Autres services

The Calgary STI clinic offers comprehensive STI services and is a walk-in only clinic open Monday to Friday, and Saturdays that are not connected to a long weekend. As the demand for service is high, patients may experience longer wait times at the clinic. The clinic also prioritizes patients most in need and some patients are not always seen in the order they present to the clinic. All patients will be expected to mask and complete a COVID screen upon arrival at the clinic.

STI Clinic Process:

  • Accepts walk-ins only
  • All clients are pre-screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure, no one is refused care based on this screen
  • Due to high demand, please expect to wait to be seen
  • Urgent concerns are prioritized, which include:
    - patients with a known STI and require treatment
    - contact to a known STI and require testing/treatment
    - symptoms of an STI
    - care following a recent sexual assault
  • Routine testing is provided
  • Self-collection testing is temporarily available
  • All clients are required to perform hand hygiene and wear a mask at all times, new masks will be provided onsite – personal masks are not permitted

STI Clinic services provided:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections in a non-judgmental and inclusive environment
  • Detailed syphilis diagnosis, treatment and follow up
  • Hepatitis A, B and HPV vaccine program for qualified individuals
  • HIV, Hepatitis A, B and C testing for qualified individuals
  • Post sexual assault care (excluding forensic examinations)
  • Emergency contraception
  • HIV PEP/nPEP referrals
  • Pap smears and follow up for those unable to access care elsewhere
  • Accepting referrals to infectious disease physicians who specialize in STI and HIV care
  • Counselling and client education as well as support for community partners and physicians
  • Contact tracing and partner notification
  • Testing and treatment provided in community to those unable to access other sites or providers
  • Harm reduction supply distribution (e.g. needles, condoms)
  • Community based naloxone kits and training
  • Referrals to other services
  • Anglais

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