CBRC - Health Initiative for Men - Prince George

Since 2019, HIM has been working in the Northern Health region, out of Prince George, to provide the GBT2Q community with improved accessibility and uptake of health services. In BC North, we believe that leveraging; community expertise, stakeholder connections, and Health Authority buy-in provides the most effective path towards longevity.We are committed to ensuring that the GBT2Q community have equitable and culturally competent care. Our holistic approach to health; physical, mental, sexual, and social, allows GTB2Q individuals to seek out their own pathway to health through a host of community oriented events and programming. HIM North is working hard to bring events and programs to community members. Please check back often for updates.

  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Auto-test VIH
  • Anglais

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