Halton Region Health Dept. - Georgetown
* diagnosis, treatment and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
* HIV testing and referral to HIV medical care and social agencies
* HPV, hepatitis A and B immunization
* counselling regarding birth control options and STI prevention
* pregnancy testing and counselling
* referrals to other agencies, if required
* education regarding sexual health matters, including prevention of STIs and harm reduction strategies with community partners, workplaces and schools
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counselling ; Birth Control Counselling ; Condition Specific Treatment ; Contraception ; Disease/Disability Information ~ AIDS/HIV ; Disease/Disability Information ~ Sexually Transmitted Disease ; Emergency Contraception ; General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education ; HIV Testing ; Needle Exchange/Distribution Programs ; Pregnancy Testing ; Safer Sex Education ; Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education ~ AIDS/HIV ; Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education ~ Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Dépistage
- Traitement
- Counseling et soutien
- Réduction des méfaits
- Santé sexuelle
- Santé et bien-être
- Santé reproductive