HIV/AIDS Regional Services provides education and support to individuals and organizations in Kingston and the surrounding region. Our services include counselling, advocacy, access to free condoms, a Needle Exchange and an extensive resource library & education department. HIV/AIDS Regional Services offer complete HIV/AIDS education and support programs in Kingston. We provide social and human services in various communities through our prison support and needle exchange initiatives. Contact us to learn more about our services.Products and Services HIV & AIDS Information & Support, Social & Human Services, Needle Exchange, Community Outreach, Prison Support
  • VIH/sida
  • Dépistage
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Organismes offrant des services de lutte contre le VIH
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Aide alimentaire et pratique
  • Santé et bien-être

heure de l'Est (TUC-4)

  • Lundi 9:00am-4:45pm
  • Mardi 9:00am-4:45pm
  • Mercredi 9:00am-4:45pm
  • Jeudi 9:00am-4:45pm
  • Vendredi 9:00am-4:45pm
  • Français
  • Anglais

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