Kamloops Public Health Unit
Public Health Centres are responsible for delivering core programs for public health that broadly cover the areas of health improvement, prevention of disease, disability and injury, health emergency management, and environmental health.
Kamloops Public Health Unit is offers the STOP HIV program, a province-wide initiative to reduce HIV transmission through expanded awareness, testing, prevention and treatment. Services provided may include HIV/HCV/HBV testing, partner notification, referrals, counselling, medication adherence support, and HIV education for individuals and groups.
Services include case management, community care clinic, community nursing services, food safety, harm reduction supplies and services, home support, nutrition, postpartum care, rehabilitation, social work services, and a tobacco reduction program.
- Dépistage
- Counseling et soutien
- Réduction des méfaits
- Santé sexuelle
- Santé et bien-être
- Santé reproductive
Renseignements sur l’accessibilité
Wheelchair accessible