Mainline, a program of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, is a health promotion organization dedicated to supporting people who use drugs through harm reduction programs. Our mission is to reduce acquisition and transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B & C, to increase awareness of health and social issues facing PWUD, and to help current and former PWUD through education, support and empowerment.

What We Offer

  • Needles, syringes, sterile water, cookers, matches, filters, ties, condoms, stems, meth pipes.
  • Safe disposal of used needles.
  • Fentanyl Test strips and Naloxone kits.
  • Awareness and education related to harm reduction, particularly safer injection and safer practices.
  • Peer support, including assistance with exploring and accessing detox, treatment, methadone.
  • Assistance in locating and navigating resources for legal, social services, employment and housing issues.
  • Over the counter nutrition as available.
  • Inform clients of the nature of the relationship with them as well as the limitations of that relationship.
  • Protect the integrity and welfare of the clients at all times by not engaging in spreading gossip.
  • Recognize that dual or multiple relationships may increase the risk of harm to the clients and may impair a professional judgment.
  • VHC
  • VIH/sida
  • Dépistage
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Logement
  • Services juridiques
  • Santé et bien-être
  • Auto-test VIH

heure de l'Atlantique (TUC-3)

  • Lundi 7:00am-6:00pm
  • Mardi 7:00am-6:00pm
  • Mercredi 7:00am-6:00pm
  • Jeudi 7:00am-6:00pm
  • Vendredi 7:00am-6:00pm
  • Samedi 8:00am-2:00pm
  • Dimanche 8:00am-2:00pm
  • Anglais

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