Nine Circles Community Health Centre
Nine Circles Community Health Centre is a community-based, non-profit organization that promotes sexual and personal health and specializes in HIV/STI prevention and care. We aim to improve the overall health of our community by: reducing the rate of infection for HIV and STIs, improving the quality of life for those living with HIV and decreasing the stigma and discrimination associated with sexuality and sexual health.
Nine Circles Community Health Centre, with expertise in the care and treatment of HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections, delivers comprehensive primary care, social support, education and prevention services creating healthier communities for Manitoba.
Nine Circles Health Promotion Programs help people build strategies to live well and improve their health. Workshops and programming are offered to Nine Circles clients and clients of the Manitoba HIV Program.
While many of our programs and services are not exclusive to people living with HIV, we do offer some services specific to HIV positive Manitobans.
We operate from a harm reduction approach, empowering you to make informed choices based on accurate information and a range of options.
offers HIV & STI testing daily
STI Testing & Treatment Clinic: Offers nurse managed STI Testing and treatment with pre and post test education.
- Dépistage
- Traitement
- Counseling et soutien
- Réduction des méfaits
- Organismes offrant des services de lutte contre le VIH
- PrEP
- Santé sexuelle
- Logement
- Aide alimentaire et pratique
- Santé et bien-être
- Finances et emploi
- Auto-test VIH