Peterborough Public Health Unit - Sexual Health Clinic

Provides: - pregnancy testing and birth control for teens and young adults; - emergency contraception (morning after pill); - testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI), including confidential HIV testing, for anyone in the community; and - help with decisions about sex. Free and confidential clinics staffed by physicians and public health nurses provide: education, information, consultation, clinical support for decisions about sex, birth control, pregnancy testing, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and blood-borne infections
  • VHC
  • VIH/sida
  • Dépistage
  • Traitement
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Santé sexuelle
  • Santé et bien-être
  • Santé reproductive

heure de l'Est (TUC-4)

  • Lundi 8:45am-4:30pm
  • Mardi 8:45am-4:30pm
  • Mercredi 8:45am-4:30pm
  • Jeudi 8:45am-4:30pm
  • Vendredi 8:45am-4:30pm
  • Services offerts sur rendez-vous seulement
  • Anglais

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