StreetWorks needle syringe program (NSP) is available to individuals who use drugs in the Niagara Region. We provide a variety of syringes, safer disposal containers as well as other injection equipment (spoons, alcohol swabs, sterile water, vitamin c and ties). People are encouraged to bring their used syringes to ensure proper disposal. StreetWorks also provides sterile equipment for clients who use inhaled drugs, such as crack cocaine. Our inhalation kits (stem kits) offer our clients a safer alternative to greatly reduce the risk of transmitting HIV or other blood borne infections. StreetWorks offers Consumption & Treatments Services (CTS). This is a safe place to get information about how to be safe, get connected, and use their substances supervised by harm reduction staff. Paramedics are also onsite to provide immediate intervention in the event of an overdose. Individuals can come to our CTS for more than just supervised consumption. We also offer naloxone training, basic wound care and referrals to social programming and treatment.
  • VHC
  • VIH/sida
  • Traitement
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Anglais
  • 105 Queenston St, St. Catharines, ON L2R 2Z5
  •  +1 905-328-6715

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