The Toronto Community Hepatitis C Program (TCHCP) is a partnership between South Riverdale Community Health Centre, Regent Park Community Health Centre and Sherbourne Health Centre. The program was established in 2006 to assist people living with Hepatitis C, who use drugs and/or alcohol, and/or have mental health issues, and/or HIV/HCV co-infection, and who have had difficulty accessing Hep C treatment and care. It is a multidisciplinary program offering medical care, treatment, support and education all under one roof. We work within a holistic and harm reduction framework. The program is centred on group support with weekly treatment groups and on-going education. There are also options to access treatment without attending groups if that is your preference. The world of Hep C treatment has changed dramatically in the last few years. Medication is very effective and has fewer side effects than in the past. Ontario recently announced that it would be removing many of the requirements that prevented people from getting treatment. EVERYONE on OW and ODSP can now access treatment. If you want treatment for Hep C, we will work with you to figure out the rest. Please call Bernadette Lettner, Hep C treatment nurse, at 416.302.5675.
  • VHC
  • VIH/sida
  • Dépistage
  • Counseling et soutien
  • Réduction des méfaits
  • Santé reproductive

heure de l'Est (TUC-4)

  • Anglais

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